Monday, February 22, 2010


I have the best dessert recipe. I went to my friend Kasey's for dinner and she made this thing called Pavlova (which we renamed fart-lova) It is so yummy and it starts off with only 110 calories. I say starts off because you can make it as fattening as you want by adding whipped cream and fresh fruit. Kasey had strawberries and kiwis and it was so good. You can use fat free cool whip to lighten it up.

4 egg whites at room temperature
1/8 tea cream of tartar
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 tea cornstarch
1/2 tea vanilla
1 tbs rasberry vinegar or redwine vinegar

beat egg whites, cream of tartar until frothy and add sugar, cornstarch, vinegar and vanilla. Beat until stiff and smooth about 8 min. You can either make one big crust using a 9' dish or I made 8 individual bowl shapes by dropping egg whites onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 10 min in a 350 degree oven and drop temp to 300 degrees and let bake for 30 min. Turn off oven and open the door to let the meringues cool. Serve with fresh fruit and whip cream!

1 comment:

  1. yes! I totally love these with raspberries! chocolate too is yummy if you want to fatten it up
